I hate new years resolutions, I think they’re overrated, serve no purpose aside from flaunting the list. That being said, I do think as humans we need a reason to live for, motivation to get up in the morning and work on something. As I was painting away during my current DIY project ( you can follow along on my IG stories) I started evaluating what the past year was like and what the coming year holds for me.
2021 will forever go down in my personal history as the year of beginnings. I started my blog, I moved to a new city, I got a new job plus a couple of other things. It’s arguably the best year I’ve had since 2019. I have every intention of continuing on this trajectory next year and beyond. When it comes to forward-looking ‘resolution’ alternatives, some people love goals, others love intentions. But I believe in both!! A goal without intention boils down to simple benchmarking, without any real emotional significance. And with all intention and no action, you’re just in your head!
There’s a tonne of different ways you can do this, but I’m sharing the list below which can perhaps set you in the right direction.
1. Intention : Become a better person and be more mindful
Category: Personal Goals
Keeping a daily journal

2. Intention : To be in tune with my feelings and emotions
Category: Emotional Well-being
Respond don’t react
3. Intention: Hone my expertise and gain reputation as a trusted professional
Category: Career and Professional Development
Gain new skills
Be more assertive
Maintain a good work-life balance
4. Intention : To strong, rested and energised
Category: Physical
Drink more water
Exercise more
More sleep
Wake up earlier
5. Intention: Get wholesome entertainment that is wholesome and refreshing
Category: Recreational
Be in nature
Join a club
Do one thing that’s new or scary each month
6. Intention: Be present and mindful with my actions to my family and friends
Category: Personal relationships
Keep in touch with family
7. Intention :Cultivate my relationship with Jehovah
Category: Spiritual
8. Intention: Be financially independent from my job
Category: Financial
Build an extra source of income

As a side note, I do believe it’s better to set up systems rather than goals because goals rely on having the incentive to act rather than systems working with or without the incentive. Personally, after listing these goals I would then create a detailed plan on how I would achieve these goals.
What are some of your goals for 2022?
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