February came and left, can you believe it?
When I think about the year end, it feels like a long time to go. But when I remember that just yesterday it was freezing cold in December and now we’re March, my mind is blown. Time truly flies these days.
Every year end, I make a big yearly review but I find myself forgetting some important things. But moving forward, I will review each month and share some details publicly. I already did the January review, I’ll prepare it and hopefully post it on the blog here soon!
What went well
- We had a some friends over whom we hadn’t seen in a while. It was really fun to chill and play some games together. Nigel and I always enjoy the times we spend together with our friends. After they left we felt recharged and refreshed, which is a sign for a good friendship right?
- In connection to my yearly goal of continuously learning and improving, I signed up for an Instagram Accelerator Program. My goal is to learn how to make content in a more sustainable way and how to efficiently reach my target audience. I have a great bank of content and I’m hoping that applying the knowledge I gain will take it to the next level. I’ll give an update on how this going in due course (it’s a 3 months long cohort).
- According to my Fitness App I burned at least 1,000 calories for 15 days in February. This is a real win considering that I was really sick for two weeks. I remember pushing myself to go to the gym through the first week but I realized that taking rest was also necessary to get better faster.
- I read 3 books – Relentless by Tim Grover, Anything You Want by Derek Sivers and Dotcom Secrets by Russell Brunson. I had hoped to finish Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestly but I don’t think I’ll manage. I would definitely recommend all of these books especially Relentless. It’s that book that you need when you’re starting to slack and lose sight of your goals. Dotcom Secrets is more of a reference book, that I see myself reaching for every once in a while. It talks about how to make sales funnels for an online business better and effective. Anything You Want is an nice easy read that you can finish in a day or two.
- I’ve established my routines well at this point – morning routine, house chores, gym, evening routine and cooking. Everything works pretty much on a cue now. I find that my morning routine is the cornerstone to my day. If I nail my morning routine, my day goes well and if not oh well…
What didn’t go so well..
- I had hoped to be still doing 75hard, if you don’t know what I am talking about, you need to check it out. But unfortunately I kept forgetting the smallest of tasks like taking a progress picture or reading 10 pages per day. For now I’m on a pause. Perhaps if I find an accountability partner I can take it up again.
- I’m finding it hard to prioritize doing recreational things. When I’m free I literally don’t know what to do and I wind up back on my laptop looking up something. I would like to watch movies but the ones I want to watch aren’t on Netflix and the ones on Netflix are boring. I tried to explore my neighborhood a bit but I feel like I know a lot already now. What do you do in your free time? Can you recommend something?
Roundup of Things I Loved in February

1.Glycolic acid toner – I’ve been using this toner once a week to exfoliate my face. But one day I decided to pat off a little bit under my armpits and it turned out to be the best deodorant ever! I love how my armpits are getting lighter too! A win is a win right?
2.Berliner Handbag case for transferring things easily – Lately, I’ve been using two bags regularly and it got to a point where it was annoying to transfer everything around ever so often. So I bought this case to pack my regularly used items – hand cream, lip gloss, tissues, wipes etc.
3. Heated hair brush – Another plug from my hairdresser. She used this one my hair and I really enjoyed the experience. I have a phobia of the days my mom used to blow dry my hair. She wouldn’t stop and the air would be so hot, pity on me if the blow dryer brushed against my ear! So this alternative is really good and I got my own which is working just fine for now.
4. Organizer – I got this recommendation from a friend and I bought one for myself and Nigel. We’ve been loving them since we got them! You can fit quite a lot inside – diary, pens, brochures, cards, an iPad and perhaps even a wallet. I love it because of how compact and minimal it is.
5. Relentless book – I would recommend this book for anyone looking to get to the top of their game – be it nutrition, sport or even business. If you find yourself starting too many things at the same time and not completing anything, then this book is for you.
6. Revlon Equave Conditioner– this hair conditioner bangs!! I can vow on how well it works for artificial hair since I apply it on the ends of my braids to keep them curled. The curls really come to life afterwards plus it smells really good. I don’t know how it would do on straight hair but I can imagine that it would work on water waves or something curly too!
7. Selfie stick /tripod – I love this tripod so much. It’s lightweight, has a light and remote control plus it’s easy to mount and dismantle. I also love how I can use it as a selfie stick if I like (is that still a thing though?). The only downside is it’s a bit short (105cm) but oh well, you can’t have it all can you?
8. Spice bottles – my kitchen is a mess. It was an even bigger mess before. But I am slowly changing things. These spice bottles are already making a huge difference.
9. Spigen iPad cover – I love this cover and I highly recommend it. I don’t have a screen protector for my iPad and I feel totally comfortable with that. Nigel has had this cover for almost 2 years and he doesn’t use a screen protector either. I got it in the cutest baby blue cover.
10. Standing desk – I’m so glad we got this for our home office. For ergonomic reasons I try to stand every other hour. This desk was super easy to set up and works pretty fine. It has 5 levels you can save a height to or you could just use the up and down functions to adjust the height too. I feel super productive on this desk.
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